In case we haven’t reminded you enough lately, CakeFest 2020 is less than a month away. While we have recently hosted a few virtual meetups, a fully virtual conference is uncharted territory for our team. I like to look on the bright side of things, so I will say how excited I am that bakers from all over the world will be able to join in and participate this year. Obviously, with international travel, this hasn’t always been the case for individuals.
So my last CakeFest blog, I went into details of what to expect, and how the conference will (hopefully) run - smoothly. However, we’ve had a lot of emails and interest in hearing about what topics will be covered. Our lineup is excellent this year - so we wanted to share some things to look forward to:
First, we have to give a shout out to this year’s sponsors
Companies that support Open Source are essential for our communities to move forward and grow!
Day 1 will feature our popular workshops. These sessions are different than normal conference talks because they are basically training sessions to help grow your recipe book. You can see examples of previous years HERE. There will be basic workshops, as well as advanced during the full day session. We have condensed this year’s duration, so what is normally 2 days of workshops will be done in 2 hour sessions by each baker. Mark Story, Jorge Gonzalez, and Jose Lorenzo are back. This year, we’ve also recruited another core member, Mark Scherer… you may be familiar with Mark from hosting many of our virtual meetups.
Topics that our core members MIGHT include are (these are being discussed):
CakePHP 4.x, as well as project examples - a repost builder, a headless micro cms, a media server to upload/download cache files from S3. The speaker’s will build through a project with you, answering questions as they progress.
Have an idea you’d like the workshops to include? Email us! [email protected].
Now, day 2.
This year, we decided to go ahead and try a few new things. Of course being 100% digital, condensing times, and some topics and speakers that may be unexpected. I personally invited some speakers that I thought could bring something fresh to the tech conference table. One of these being OSMI (Open Source Mental Illness). I wanted to bring mental health importance to light, and this group is doing amazing things for the development world. Mental health doesn’t have to be a taboo subject. Dr. Jennifer Akullian will be talking about mental health, stress, and burnout in the tech industry. In addition to an overview of the research, distinctive considerations of the industry we work in will be discussed, as well as how to improve the management of common stressors in technology during an incomparable time in the world.
We will also hear how some people got their start, like Michael Hoffman, and learn how to build solid architecture with CakePHP Plugins thanks to Ed Barnard. Ever wondered how to release your own plugin? Jose Gonzalez will shed some light. We are also delighted to have one of our involved Japanese community bakers, Junichi Okuyama, joining us as a speaker this year talking about helpful tips that he has learned for baking with CakePHP. Our keynote will be given by our diamond sponsor representative from Passbolt, Remy Bertot.
Other talks will include: well known podcast host Cal Evans talking about all of the cool things that can be done with PHP's built in DateTime math, Mariano Iglesias, core members Mark Story, Chris Nizzardini and Mark Scherer. Popular contributors Juan Pablo Ramirez and Nicolas Masson will join us and share more details about CakePHP fixture factories.
You can see the full schedule HERE, and plan your attendance accordingly.
We will also have slack chat rooms for attendees. This will give everyone the opportunity to interact with other watchers as well as speakers. Questions are welcomed before, during, and after the event. We will have team members monitoring the chat and trying to get all questions answered as soon as possible.
Slack channel tag: #cakefest
So basically, have a coffee and a chat with other attendees and presenters.
Have you purchased your ticket yet? WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?