Latest releases fix a number of security issues.
Migrating to current PHP release over 5.6 and using the new ORM could lead to improvements over 50%.
CakePHP 4 is shipped with best practices to streamline horizontal scaling and deployment into containers.
Best practices
and conventions
CakePHP 4 follows the latest conventions, like PSR-3, PSR-4, PSR-7, PSR-15, PSR-16, PSR-18 and enforces using PHP 7.2 (but we recommend using the latest stable PHP release).
Peace of mind
CakePHP major versions are updated and maintained for YEARS, a solid guarantee of durability for your web based business.
Updated plugins
Over 900 updated plugins covering from background job processing, image processing, CMS, file upload and management, cache, etc…
So, you want to upgrade.
Where do you begin?
Here! Our team of experts can take the pain of upgrading or migrating your application.
If you have a team of developers, we can take away the stress of a new project, allowing them to focus on their tasks.
If you hired a development team (like CakeDC), we can complete the migration in its entirety.
Contact us here: [email protected] to begin with your free code review.
What if you want to migrate on your own?
We are working on specific documentation and tutorials (free) to help the CakePHP Community in the migration process.
If you are a developer interested in migrate your CakePHP 2 application, follow us @cakedc for updates about new articles and tutorials.
Interested in upgrading?
Contact us for more information