Robert's talk was unscheduled, but ended up being a great case study for an insurance sales white-labelling solution that his company had undertaken and completed. Robert talked about multi-tenancy, and what this means for a web application, and how it relates to SaaS architecture.
Challenges to be solved included:
- Differences in functionality
- Workflow differences
- Separation and security of data
- Branding and visual differences
Configuration of the modules was broken up into system default, mandators, and dealers configuration, allowing for inheritance of options along the way.
To solve the view specific differences, built in themes were used to provide the differences required. This is a CakePHP builtin mechanism that serviced their needs well.
Much of Robert's talk went through visuals of the site itself, and should we be able to get our hands on these, will post them up to see the various differences in presentation, and the module structure in terms of MVC.