Sometimes all your website needs is a bit of added functionality and increased interactivity. Custom applications can make or break your user experience, here are some of the key things you should look out for when getting your custom applications developed.
Consider tooltips to guide users
Sometimes custom applications require certain actions from the user. Tooltips allow you to help the user along without cluttering the interface.
Include progress notifications
Tell the user if something has been processed successfully. Including feedback notifications such as “loading” or “please wait” can help your users understanding of your application.
Keep familiar patterns and navigation within your application
Users will find the experience of using your custom application if a similar navigation is used - keeping familiar patterns can be achieved through various methods such as keeping information in the same areas on every page.
Keep pop-ups to a minimum or have none at all!
Pop ups distract and interfere with a user's experience. Limit the use of these to a minimum - only including key and critical information if used.
Ensure log-in or entry information simple and easy
If your application requires a user to log in or provide certain information before accessing the content, it's important to keep this requirement simple. Having high entry barriers or information required can stop a user from actually using your application.
Design your custom application for your target audience
Who do you see as the ideal user of your application? Avoid technical jargon or unfamiliar terms or processes. Are you designing a shopping cart for users accustomed to online shopping? Then keep up-to-date with the latest best practices from top ecommerce sites and follow their lead.
Are you looking for a custom application? Contact CakeDC, the experts behind CakePHP.